Ines it's a filter creator, 3D artist, that lives in Paris, ines.alpha lens, effects and filters are mostly focused on 3D makeup, but from times to times, ines alpha tries to do other types of filters
ines.alpha 🌙 Snapchat profile shows a lot of creativity!
Click here to check ines.alpha profile at lens studio
It's possible to split in some categories like 3d Makeup with the lens and filters like CharliesAngelsIA, Future Gloss, Scifeye face set and This is human lens, this last one also displays a cute pet blob.
The lens or filter sci fi liner lens and the Merch Drop lens can use the main camera for extra features but the lens focus is the selfie camera.
ines.alpha likes also to add gestures commands, the mech drop effect has the "raise your eyebrows" to do more actions
ines.alpha 🌙 also have filters to use with more than one head and pet filters, we can see that on KittyDoggoPalette and Fall Blush.
Ines alpha is proud to say "I push further the boundaries of beauty!" and we can also find more of ines.alpha work at her personal website
On ines website she says that "I'm developing my 3D makeup into camera beauty filters(...)" and "I'm also part of the official lens creators of Snapchat!(...)" this shows off how professional and amazing work she is developing!